At Long Last Sept 2020

At Long Last Sept 2020

At Long Last Sept 2020

Dear Friends, Fans, Relatives and fellow travelers.....

SAD NEWS.... It breaks my heart, to let you know, a few hours ago, I recieved a call from Vanessa Kaukonen with the news that it was decided it would be best to cancel our upcoming weekend at The Fur Peace Ranch. Hats off to Jorma and Vanessa for going the safe route. There is no place any of us would rather be for a long weekend, so it is a blessing to know that we all will  return there in the near future.....

At long last I am writing my first Big Book Report in two years! There has been a lot of water under the bridge since since then...... The Corona Virus has really put a pause to all the excitement, joy and adventure of the life I had experienced for the past 50 years! I'm sure all of you have had your ups and downs coping with this strange reality as well. Hopefully next year we will all get back on the journeys we were on before life as we had known it came to an end.

I find it hard to believe that I am now in my late 70's, Me & "The New Wife", Nancy have been married for over 20 years and we have driven 170,000 miles in the "New Bus" which now is over 7 years old!" I can't fathom that I joined the US Navy 60 years ago, and met Rev. Gary Davis  over 50 years ago, and left Geewich Village and moved into a rented motorhome 46 years ago. I am a very lucky man and thank all of you for being part of my adventure, allowing me to "Live The Dream", for so many years.

So here we are today! I still manage myself, own my own Record label, Book the dates and drive the bus. Nancy is a great relief driver and of course since retiring is now involved in all aspects of "music management".... This past year, has been the first that I have not left Florida in April bound for Merlefest and the extended cross county tour. I have pretty much been home for 10 months..... Thank goodness I was able to do my annual shows at Fogartyville, in Sarasota, FL and The Hideaway in St. Petersburg FL, before, The Lockdown.

During the Winter, I managed to stay busy around here at house. I had my bamboo cut down to a manageable, 9' height and used the cuttings to build a bamboo fence in front of our house. Not being much of a 'handyman', it took many hours in the hot sun to attach the cut bamboo to the chain link fence.... I ended up with lots scrapes and bruises, but finally ran out of bamboo..... looks pretty good if I must say so myself!

Of course I continue to play guitar every day and actually feel like I am making some progress in that department! Never having spent much time studying music theory, I am delighted when I stumble upon variations of chords and licks which has led me to some very satisfying improvisational possibilities.

I also have enjoyed  breaking out a few old guitars that have not been on the road with me for a long time. I'm still mostly playing Tony Klassen, New Era, Roy Book Binder models on the road. They are all variations of the first Gibson made Recording King, made for Montgomery Wards back in 1931 .

My friend Time Kummer, sold my 1936 Maple Nick Lucas and now has my 1933 Rosewood Nick Lucas on the market ( It's time for me to let a few go... After all, we who own vintage guitars are just temporary "caretakers"......"Ya can't take'm with ya"

Well, I'm gonna try to write a "Book Report" more often than I have in the past so I guess I'll just say......

Bye For Now, (thats how Pink Anderson signed off when he wrote to me)

Roy BB